Los Angeles Police Department
The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) is an agency that is well known in our society not only for the good but also for the bad. Police officers are facing controversy due to the actions of some officers that sparked minorities to go against police departments. The LAPD job is bringing justice and work with the public in order to bring piece into a society. Many police departments have tried to enforce the idea of community policing in which they engage communities to work with the police rather than against. For example, if a crime occurs and when police are looking for eyewitnesses that those eyewitnesses come out and help instead of keeping it from the police. Many researchers believe that if community policing were to be enforced worldwide that crime rate would drastically drop since many criminals would worry about who is watching them. Similar to CBP I believe I can bring the value of being observable and being an active individual. I am always on my toes looking for something to help out with and always aware of what is going on around me. This job requires individuals to be mental, physically, and emotionally stable which I believe I possess, and I am also good when working under pressure.

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